New Beginnings
08 Feb 2015I'm back in the blogging game!
Following a short stay on Blogger, due to its limitations, and an even shorter stay on Tumblr, because I just didn't 'get it,' I've now decided to start blogging again.
My blog now resides on GitHub Pages. I feel this really makes sense, since I'm a programmer and indeed plenty of programmers use GitHub. It also satisfies my desire to have complete and utter control over the blogging process; HTML/CSS customisation and the like. Overall, it feels like a fresh experience.
The theme, by the way is based on the excellent "Hyde" by the Poole project. Over the past week or so, I've been tailoring this theme to satisfy my own purposes - I hope you like it!
My aim for the blog is to show you, the reader, what projects I'm currently working on, perhaps provide some tips and tutorials and maybe even rant a little about the world of technology.
If don't know me, here's a quick introduction:
I'm a 16 year old programmer, maker and electronics enthusiast from the Midlands, UK. I would say I'm very passionate about the above fields and technology in general. Outside of the workshop, I like playing/listening to music, rock climbing and drinking tea!
Welcome aboard.